Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Obligatory New Years Resolutions

Hey guys, I find it necessary to post about my resolutions for next year. As there are only 2 days left on 2013, reality is sort of swirling into me and I'm freaking out a little. I also have 2 days left to finish up the last of my college apps. Oops.

Recently I've been grappling with the idea of social media like Facebook and Twitter, and why I even bother with them in the first place. I always feel like they don't add much positivity to my life, but every time I go to delete them, I stop myself for some strange reason. I guess it has something to do with the idea of interconnectivity and my brain's need to feel connected with my peers. Basically what I'm saying is that one of my resolutions for 2014 is to stop obsessing over the internet, and to focus more on real life. Most people don't care about what I'm thinking most of the time #realtalk (yeah yeah, leave me alone, I just did that).

Anyway, I put together a small list of the things I would like to improve, because I think they would all benefit my happiness.

1. Stop obsessively checking and using various social media.
I explained this above, but I think it's making me feel left out of experience in a sense. It's not at all conducive to being happy. It's just another way to compare myself to others.

2. Make videos at least once a week.
I love making YouTube videos; I absolutely adore it. One of my issues is that my brain transformed it into something I HAVE to do instead of something I WANT to do. Which brings me to:

3. Stop forcing yourself to do things a certain way. Let things happen; don't let plans dictate your life.
For some reason, this year I developed this nasty habit of forming plans in my head that seemed concrete, and if they failed or faltered for any reason, I would have a mini breakdown. It was not pretty.

4. Read 2 books a month. 
This is a given. I don't factor in nearly enough time into reading anymore.

5. Stop emotionally shopping.
Retail therapy. Empty wallet. Enough said.

6. Don't be afraid of the future.
I'll be taking a huge step into the future in 2014, and I want to make the most of the last bit of high school, rather than fretting it.

7. Make the most of every minute.
I procrastinate and waste more time than I would like. Sometimes I feel like without my issue mentioned in number 1 I would be much, much more productive.

8. Draw everyday (or close to it!)
My friend gifted me a beautiful sketchbook and set of colored pencils for Christmas, and I've started my daily drawing routine up again, and it has really helped me relax.

9. Write an EP.
I've been playing/writing music on and off for the past 3 years, and I would love to sit down and actually write an EP.

10. And finally, turn my Etsy shop/YouTube/Blog into something I can really work off of.
This one was a hard one to put into words, but I love blogging, and I love running my own Etsy shop. I would love to be able to build more on these and advance into the future, if that makes much sense at all.

I hope you have a lovely rest of 2014 if I don't talk to you beforehand. Make the most of it.

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